Pulkit Kochar

Pulkit Kochar

Digital Creator

Pulkit Kochar has been in the business of comedy for around 9 years, starting with his own channel Hollyshit back in 2014, then making content for East India Comedy, Filtercopy and Netflix. He has been a meme marketer, standup comedian and now he's a full time content creator in the genre of Comedy and Bollywood.

All Sessions by Pulkit Kochar

Season 13 - Day 1 October 21, 2023
11:00 am - 11:50 am

Hacking Virality: How to Ride a Trend?

Stage - 2

Ankita Sehgal, Chandni Bhabhda, Dharna Durga, RJ Karishma led by Pulkit Kocchar